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1st ZKProof Standards Workshop
Day 1 Full Stream, 5th ZKProof Workshop
IOP based Zero-Knowledge Proofs - Alessandro Chiesa, UC Berkeley, Zcash, Starkware
ZKProof Workshop
Sonic: zkSNARKs from Linear Size Universal and Updatable SRS - Sean Bowe, Electric Coin Company
DIZK: A Distributed Zero Knowledge Proof System - Howard Wu, Berkeley & Dekrypt Kapital
Fundamentals of Zero Knowledge: Scaling Ethereum with STARKs
Notes from the SNARKonomicon: Techniques for Writing SNARK Programs - Izaak Mekler, O(1) Labs
Tooling Infrastructure for Zero Knowledge Proofs - Henry de Valence, Zcash Foundation
Commit-and-Prove Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems and Extensions - Jiwon Lee
Company Pitches - Stratumn by Anuj Das Gupta
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